People Noticed Adam Levine’s Super Bowl Halftime Shirt Looked an Awful Lot Like Their Pillows


Adam Levine may not have been fully clothed for the 2019 Super Bowl halftime show’s entirety.

But it was his garment – specifically a recognizable pattern – that spread across the internet on the wings of laughter.

Some nights mark the dawn of a new era in fashion — and Sunday night was that night. Welcome to “Levine-esque” – a mosaic-like pattern of interlocking squared designs.

It’s a look he debuted as he belted out his hits to millions. And people quickly discovered that they had pillows, curtains and other home goods that matched the Maroon 5 halftime show headliner. Evidence was produced.

Maybe it’s a popular fabric pattern. Or maybe it’s a popular shirt pattern. Or maybe both. But what is clear is that it’s a match made in heaven for some of the best Super Bowl 53 memes.

We only hope the trend spreads as quickly as it spread across Twitter: Everyone can own a piece of the Super Bowl 53 halftime show now. No tickets necessary. Just a trip to Target or any home goods store will do it.

See the best tweets about all the furniture that matched Adam Levine’s Maroon 5 Super Bowl Halftime show look below.

Everyone loves the standard Adam Levine shirt pillow.

And some just believed his top half called to mind a Chiptole bag so vividly that the resemblance was too good to pass up.

See some Adam Levine Chipotle bag.