Might and Magic Duel of Champions- Forgotten Wars Review
Video card games currently enjoy a significant niche in the gaming landscape thanks to Blizzard’s Hearthstone, Stoneblade’s SolForge, and even paper stalwart Magic: The Gathering’s abundant online options. The once-physical phenomenon that is the collectable card game is now being leveraged in the digital space thanks to the genre’s easily-exploitable business models. That means more options and enjoyable experiences for card game fans, but also more iterations of what came before. Might and Magic Duel of Champions: Forgotten Wars stands in the middle of these two possibilities, offering a derivative experience that is at the same time fun and rewarding in its own right.
You don’t have to look too closely to see what other familiar mechanics Forgotten Wars is stitched together from. Each deck requires a hero card be included–the mechanic Hearthstone is built upon–which determines your starting health, base attributes, and other abilities, some of which are unique to that hero. The resource statistic you expend to play cards is also reminiscent of Hearthstone: you receive a set amount of resources each turn, starting at one and progressively increasing by increments of on…
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